00:59:14 David Meyers: Hello Everyone. Please find the link here to the Online conservation finance survey https://forms.gle/vTYBhQyG1Zjyo9SK7 01:06:41 Janet Polita_CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat: Hi All, May we request participants to place their NCCs beside their names so it is easy for us to know which NCCs you are from. Thank you 01:32:12 Agnetha Vave-Karamui-SINCC: Qtn? Environmental bonds fall under what class? 01:36:12 Agnetha Vave-Karamui-SINCC: or is it different? 01:40:53 Agnetha Vave-Karamui-SINCC: thank you 01:48:44 NCC Indonesia - Hendra Siry: David, if we reduce the needs - can we quantify it and use it as our effort to conservation finance ? If yes, how can we do it 01:51:27 NCC Indonesia - Hendra Siry: Can you share the OECD report here? 01:52:20 MY-Malisa M.N.: David, thank you for the knowledge sharing. I guess my question is similar to Dr. Hendra's. Return-based investment, what are mechanisms to quantify the ROI/ outcome 01:53:18 Agnetha Vave-Karamui-SINCC: SI Government (plus others) in this COVID19 state is introducing Economic Stimulus Packages - where does this fit in conservation financing and what would be your views on how Conservation objectives/players can fully align with this current policy scape (thinking aloud). 02:01:45 Nora: For those asking for the OECD reports etc, please read the Agenda document sent with the invitation letter. There is a list of reading materials in the Agenda RS sent. 02:02:03 Nora: Program Readings Priority 1. Conservation Finance. A Framework. https://www.conservationfinancealliance.org/cfawhite-paper 2. Finance Tools for Coral Reef Conservation: A Guide – WCS and CFA Important 3. A Comprehensive Overview of Global Biodiversity Finance, Final report, April, 2020 Prepared by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) https://www.oecd.org/environment/resources/biodiversityfinance.htm 4. Blue Infrastructure Finance: Thiele, T., Alleng, G., Biermann, A., Corwin, E., Crooks, S., Fieldhouse, P., Herr, D., Matthews, N., Roth, N., Shrivastava, A., von Unger, M. and Zeitlberger, J. (2020). Blue Infrastructure Finance: A new approach, integrating Naturebased Solutions for coastal resilience. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. https://www.iucn.org/news/marine-and-polar/202003/report-blue-infrastructurefinance-where-all-win 5. The Ocean Finance Handbook http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_FOA_The_Ocean_Finance_Handbook_April_202 0.pdf 02:11:10 NCC Indonesia - Hendra Siry: Thank - some links are invalid and out of sessions “ Apologies - this section of our website is currently unavailable” 02:11:14 NCC Indonesia - Hendra Siry: Please check 02:12:05 Martin Callow: Here you go, Pak Hendra: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_FOA_The_Ocean_Finance_Handbook_April_2020.pdf 02:13:09 Martin Callow: https://bluenaturalcapital.org/wp2018/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Blue-Infrastructure-Finance.pdf 02:13:50 Martin Callow: https://www.conservationfinancealliance.org/cfa-white-paper 02:16:35 NCC Indonesia - Hendra Siry: Thanks pak Martin - now I can download it 02:33:38 Phelameya Haiveta: Question from Bernard Suruman (PNGNCC); How do we balance the incentives for protection against the livelihoods value in the communities to maitain/ manage an ecosystem, is there any example we can follow? 02:36:49 MY-Malisa M.N.: Agree. Would be good of we can learn from success stories 02:36:59 MY-Malisa M.N.: *if 02:49:12 Nora: Additional fees?: Marine Resource Sampling, Fees, Access to Benefits Sharing (ABS), and share of percentage of patent derived from Marine resources including Genetic Resources or derivatives for future medicinal or commercial industrial products, etc.... Any successful examples? 03:01:38 Nora: How does Reef Insurance work vis-à-vis climate-related risks e.g. coral bleaching and high sea surface temperature (SST) which are becoming more frequent and the likelihoods of restoration/rehabilitation is low? 03:17:47 Agnetha Vave-Karamui-SINCC: tagio tumas